
אולי בהמשך לפוסט הקודם – מסתבר שיש אנשים שעדיין עונים לדואר שהם מקבלים:

You are RIGHT!!
I totally messed that up. Ouch. It is painful to look
Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it. I wish
you had seen it last night when I was drawing it.
Where were you? 🙂

I will edit it tonight. Have to go to work now,
otherwise I would do it right this second.

thanks for the catch!

– Shachar Shemesh <email erased> wrote:

> Dear Mr. Wright,
> I figured you’d love to hear from a regular
> (internet) comic reader of
> yours, even if it’s a petty discontinuity remark, so
> here goes….
> On your Dec 20th comics, Penguin is shown from the
> back of the coach
> running to get a fire extinguisher. He is then seen
> hurrying to the
> right in an attempt, one would assume, to put out a
> fire. The very next
> panel we return to the front of the coach, where
> Todd and cat are
> talking about smelling something, and there is smoke
> coming from the
> right again.
> However, as one view is from behind the coach, and
> another is from the
> front, the smoke should have come from the left.
> That is, unless penguin
> is actually carrying the fire extinguisher AWAY from
> the fire. While not
> altogether impossible, it does not sit well with
> Penguin’s general
> personality…
> > Shachar
> Shachar Shemesh
> Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
> http://www.lingnu.com/